The magnetic attachment to the iTraker provides support by using magnets to securely hold the device in an upright position. This mechanism allows the iTraker to stay stable and balanced without the need for additional stands or supports. The magnets are strong enough to keep the device in place, but they’re designed to be easily detached when necessary.
The iTraker Stand is an essential accessory designed to complement Termatrac’s iTraker device, enhancing its usability during pest detection and building inspections. stand provides a stable platform, allowing professionals to operate the iTraker device hands-free, thereby improving accuracy and efficiency in data collection. (rmatrac)
Key Features:
- Stability: Ensures the iTraker device remains securely in place during inspections, reducing thisk of movement that coulaffect readings.
- Ergonomic Design: Elevates the iTraker device to an optimal height and angle,cilitating easier viing and operation.
- Portability: Lightweight and easy to transport, makintonvenient for on-site inspections.
Incorporating the iTraker Stand into your inspection toolkit enhances the functionality of the iTraker device, leading to more precise and efficient pesdetection and buildg assessments. (Termatrac)
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